From the bottom of our hearts, we would like to thank everyone who has helped us on this journey.
Navigation appears to be a simple task for many of us. However, it
may be challenging for the Blind and Visually Impaired (BVI) to
navigate with ease. Hence we are creating a device that can
seamlessly adapt into their lives to improve their ability
to navigate independently.
N'Able The Navigational Aid.
Try dragging!
Getting to and around places are important, yet how do the BVI do
so, especially in unfamiliar environments? Our device produces both
audio and haptic feedback to guide the BVI for that very purpose.
Avoiding obstacles in our path may seem like second nature to many
of us, but it poses as a challenge to the BVI community who may be
unaware of them. While use of the white cane is able detect
obstacles at the ground level, our device complements this feature
by informing the BVI about overhanging obstacles above the waist
Product Overview
With a mix of various sensors, N'Able seeks to enhance and
complement and existing methods of navigation by the blind, such
as the use of the white cane. This makes it easy to assimilate
the use of N'Able into the BVI's lives and help them navigate
the world better.
Navigation Detection
Ultrasonic sensors provide obstacle detection capabilities, allowing the device to alert the user of
upper body obstructions in their path.
Navigation Feedback
The device guides the user along their path and alerts them of obstacles through audio cues and haptic
feedback. The user can select between these two modes, or a combination of both.
Having buttons allows the BVI to quickly toggle between modes and change the intensity of the
The device's form factor has been designed for comfort. As a neckband, the weight is distributed evenly
on the shoulders, keeping it comfortable for extended usage.